Tarc - Company    
Tarc is a company that specializes in recycling and recovery of solvents. The company provides an advantageous and unique alternative to the companies that produce polluting waste, both to companies that are initiating the environmental management and to the ones that are certified by the 14000 ISO.

The company offers technical assistance to the customers, ensuring the treatment of waste in a sustainable manner.

Tarc likes to visit the companies they work with in order to identify the specific points where the solvents are wasted, and to indicate the correct separation in order to avoid contamination, promoting greater leverage in the recycling and recovery of waste.
    The ability in the recovery of solvents and the great results obtained in the process, makes our customers to work environmentally correct.    

The gains with this initiative are huge, both economically and environmentally. A company that treats the waste sustainably is environmentally friendly. Recycling waste pollutants such as – solvents, cleaning thinners, diluents, paints and solvent base adhesives, is an investment.